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Abbréviations informatiques

* DSI = Direction des Systèmes d'Information
* DC = Data Center
* SIG = Système d'Information Géographique
* SGO = Système de Gestion Opérationnel
* SGA = Système de Gestion des Appels
* AI = Artificial Intelligence (IA = Intelligence Artificielle)
* I/O = Input/Output (E/S = Entrée/Sortie)
* ESN = Entreprise de Services du Numérique (anciennement SSII)
* SSII = Société de Services en Ingénierie Informatique
* RSSI = Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information

Bases de données, Informatique décisionnelle, Big Data, authentification, sécurité...

* DB = DataBase (BDD = Base De Données)
* SGBD/R/O = Système de Gestion de Bases de Données Relationnelles/Objets
* ETL = Extract Transform Load
* DMT = DataMart (MDD = Magasin De Données)
* DWH = Data WareHouse (EDD = Entrepôt De Données)
* ODS = Operational Data Store
* OLAP = OnLine Analytical Processing
* OLTP = OnLine Transaction Processing
* M/R/H/S/DOLAP = Multidimensional/Relational/Hybrid/Spatial/Desktop OLAP
* PGI = Progiciel de Gestion Intégré
* ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
* BI = Business Intelligence
* AD = Active Directory
* SAM = Security Account Manager
* CMS = Content Management System
* CAS = Content Addressed Storage
* WORM = Write Once Read Many
* PGP = Pretty Good Privacy

Réseaux, protocoles

* Internet = InterNetwork
* IoT = Internet of Things
* ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
* SSH = Secure Shell
* HTTP/S = HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
* TCP = Transfer Control Protocol
* UDP = User Datagram Protocol
* SIP = Session Initiation Protocol
* SDP = Session Description Protocol
* RTP = Real-time Transport Protocol
* RTSP = Real-Time Streaming Protocol
* IP = Internet Protocol
* NCP = Network Control Protocol
* PPP = Point to Point Protocol
* DNS = Domain Name System
* TLS = Transport Layer Security
* SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
* DTLS = Datagram TLS
* FTP/S = File Transfer Protocol Secure
* SFTP = SSH File Transfer Protocol
* NTP = Network Time Protocol
* PAN = Personal Area Network
* LAN = Local Area Network
* MAN = Metropol Area Network
* WAN = World Area Network
* MQTT = Message Queue Telemetry Transport
* WWW = World Wide Web
* SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
* POP = Post Office Protocol
* IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol
* UUCP = UNIX to UNIX Copy Protocol
* MTA = Mail Transfer Agent
* ARP = Address Resolution Protocol
* DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
* EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol
* LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
* OSI = Open Systems Interconnection
* NCP = Network Control Program
* IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange
* SPX = Sequenced Packet Exchange
* SMB = Server Message Block
* CIFS = Common Internet File System
* R/TLD = Reserved Top Level Domain
* RCP = Remote Control Procedure
* NAT = Network Address Translation
* MAC = Media Access Control
* URL = Uniform Resource Locator
* URI = Uniform Resource Identifier
* LCP = Link Control Protocol
* H/SDLC = High level/Synchronous Data Link Control
* PAP = Password Authentication Protocol
* CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
* VPN = Virtual Private Network
* AS = Autonomous System
* BGP = Border Gateway Protocol
* EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol
* TTL = Time to Live
* SOA = Start of Authority
* CAS = Central Authentication Service
* SSO = Single Sign-On
* IaaS = Infrastructure as a Service
* PaaS = Platform as a Service
* SaaS = Software as a Service

Télécommunications, radiocommunications...

* Wi/Hi/Li-Fi = Wireless/High/Light Fidelity
* DSL = Digital Subscriber Line (LNA = Ligne Numérique d'Abonné)
* ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network (RNIS = Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services)
* A/I/RE/H/RA/S/V/SH/IDSL = Asymmetric/Reach Extended/High data rate/Symmetric/Very high speed/Single pair High speed/ISDN DSL
* HSPDA = High Speed Downlink Packet Access
* DSLAM = DSL Access Multiplexer
* FAI = Fournisseur d'Accès à Internet
* P/STN = Public Switched Telephone Network (RTC/P = Réseau Téléphonique Commuté Public)
* SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (HNS = Hiérarchie Numérique Synchrone)
* PDH = Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (HNP = Hiérarchie Numérique Plésiochrone)
* TNT = Télévision Numérique Terrestre
* LTE = Long Term Evolution
* GSM = Global System for Mobile
* DCS = Digital Communication System
* EDGE = Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
* GPRS = General Packet Radio Services
* UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
* WiMAX = Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
* ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
* OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
* HiperLAN/MAN/ACCESS = High Performance Radio LAN/MAN/Access
* DAB = Digital Audio Broadcasting
* RDS = Radio Data System
* TMC = Traffic Message Channel
* DARC = Data Radio Channel
* GPS = Global Positionning System

Langages informatiques et concepts

* XML = eXtensible Markup Language
* X/HTML = eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
* CSS = Cascading Style Sheet
* POO = Programmation Orienté Objet
* SQL = Structured Query Language
* JS = JavaScript
* PHP = PHP Hyper Preprocessor
* JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
* YAML = Yet Another Markup Language
* SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
* K8S = Kubernetes
* AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
* JEE = Java Enterprise Edition
* API = Application Programming Interface
* AS = ActionScript
* TS = TypeScript
* DLL = Dynamic Link Library
* VCL = Visual Component Library
* RDF = Resource Description Framework
* RelaxNG = Regular Language for XML Next Generation
* SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language
* DSDL = Document Schema Definition Languages
* PDF = Portable Document Format

Hardware, normes, connectiques

* NAS = Network Area Storage
* USB = Universal Serial Bus
* SSD = Solid State Drive
* IDE = Integrated Drive Electronics
* LLC = Logical Link Control
* SCSI = Small Computer System Interface
* ASPI = Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
* PC = Personal Computer
* PCMCIA = PC Memory Card International Association
* ATA = Advanced Technology Attachment
* SATA = Serial ATA
* ATAPI = ATA Packet Interface
* PATA = Parallel ATA
* UATA = Ultra ATA
* EIDE = Extended IDE
* HDD = Hard Drive Disk
* CPU = Central Processing Unit (UCT = Unité Centrale de Traitement)
* GPU = Graphics Processing Unit
* TPU = Tensor Processing Unit
* TPU = Time Processing Unit
* NPU = Neural Processing Unit
* AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port
* RAM = Random Access Memory
* RAM = Random Access Machine
* CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
* TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic
* CCD = Charge-Coupled Device (DTC = Dispositif à Transfert de Charge)
* ASIC = Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
* RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computing
* CISC = Complex Set Instruction Computer
* VGA = Video Graphics Array
* MCGA = Multi-Color Graphics Array
* XGA = eXtended Graphics Array
* SVGA = Super VGA
* ECA = Enhanced Graphics Adapter
* CGA = Color Graphics Adapter
* MDA = Monochrome Display Adapter
* HDMI = High Definition Multimedia Interface
* DVI = Digital Visual (ou Video) Interface
* LCD = Liquid Crystal Display (ACL = Affichage à Cristaux Liquides)
* LED = Light-Emitting Diode
* OLED = Organic LED
* SM-OLED = Small Molecules OLED
* PHOLED = Phosphorescent OLED
* PLED = Polymer LED

Systèmes d'exploitation, logiciels

* OS = Operating System
* BIOS = Basic Input Output System
* UNIX = UNiplexed Information and Computing Service
* GNU = GNU's Not UNIX
* BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution
* VM = Virtual Machine
* JVM = Java VM
* GIMP = GNU Image Manipulation Program
* IE = Internet Explorer

Organisations, consortiums et normes

* IANA = Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
* ICANN = Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
* W3C = World Wide Web Consortium
* RFC = Request For Comments
* SUS = Single UNIX Specification
* IEEE = Institute of Electronical and Electronics Engineers
* ISOC = Internet Society
* IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force
* OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
* ISO = International Organization for Standardization (Organisation Internationale de Normalisation)
* ANSI = American National Standards Institute
* VESA = Video Electronics Standards Association
* DDWG = Digital Display Working Group
* IBM = International Business Machine
* AFNIC = Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération
* HP = Hewlett-Packard
* MS = Microsoft
* ANSSI = Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information

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